Thursday, January 19, 2006

USA Patriot Act call-in day

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The ALA is encouraging everyone to contact their representatives and senators about the Patriot Act extension, and to do it on the same day:

National PATRIOT Act Call-In Day - January 25, 2006.
On Wednesday, January 25th, please call both your Senators and your Representative and ask them to support the Senate language reauthorizing the PATRIOT Act. The Senate bill better protects Americans' and library patrons' civil liberties -- without sacrificing any security.

When you call, ask Members of Congress to fight for:

  • The inclusion of language in Section 215 requiring a statement of fact linking the person whose records are sought to a terrorism investigation.
  • The inclusion of language allowing a Section 215 recipient to pose a meaningful challenge to a FISA Court order.

  • The inclusion of language allowing a Section 505 recipient to pose a meaningful challenge to National Security Letter.

They've put together a web site with talking points and a list of reps' and senators' phone numbers. Or call the Capitol Switchboard number at 202-224-3121. Or visit the House or the Senate on the web.


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