Monday, June 05, 2006

Haven't posted in a long time...

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I while ago I set a personal goal to post here once a week, but to never post when i didn't really have anything to write about.

I guess I've blown both goals, as my last post was over a month ago, and now I'm writing a content-free entry.

But, it occurred to me that I have stuff to write about--problem is, I've been busy working on the stuff, so I haven't had those free moments when it occurs to me that i should write about the stuff.

So soon enough, I'll come back and write about:
  • my library's attempt at a small-scale usability focus group that fell flat.

  • my library's revisions of our web site despite lack of usability data: how to decide what the user needs/wants when we have little data to look at besides our own erratic observations.

  • integrating Searchpath, the library skills tutorial, into the college's course management system.

  • observations on planning maternity leave in a library

And I might comment on the post I just read that reminded me that I haven't written here in a while but should have: The User Is Not Broken: A meme masquerading as a manifesto (from Free Range Librarian)